Factors Influencing Child Sexual Abuse In Mulago Zone, Kampala City, Uganda

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King Ceasor University, Institutional Repository
Child sexual abuse is a significant concern in Mulago Zone, Kampala City, Uganda, with local police records indicating an average of 54 reported cases weekly. This study aimed to understand the factors contributing to this issue. Through interviews with 60 residents, we explored family dynamics, child-related factors, and cultural influences associated with child sexual abuse. Our findings revealed that factors such as parental substance abuse, domestic violence, and parental mental health significantly increased the risk of child sexual abuse, as evidenced by Adjusted Odds Ratios (AORs) of 1.75, 1.42, and 1.63, respectively. Additionally, children's age, gender, and previous abuse history were influential, with corresponding chi-square (χ²) values indicating statistical significance (p < 0.05). Cultural norms, including patriarchal values and media portrayals of violence, also played a role, with associated AORs and chi-square values. We recommend targeted interventions, including legal reforms, improved healthcare services, and community awareness programs, to address these root causes and safeguard children's well-being. Keywords: Child Sexual Abuse; Risk Factors; Mulago Zone
Mulago National Referral Hospital, Uganda.